Enjoy this communion, He says.
haha. Here to share! hehe. Daddy is so good! hehe.
Wanna share something that a brother said during care group. Very beautiful. Jesus is so good. He just showed me Himself in the illustration. haha. So good. hehe. All by Your grace. hehe.
That brother shared that he loves fishing and he just enjoy the process of fishing. So much so that even if a fish get on the bait, he would take it and throw it back into the sea because it is the process that he enjoys. Not exactly the fish. haha.
So beautiful! haha.
DaddyGod showed me that it's just like the communion we share with Him. haha. Jesus is like the fishing rod. Fish is the blessings and the sea/water is Daddy! hehe.
We have communion (connection. haha!) with Daddy because of Jesus, through Jesus. Blessings would come to us because of Jesus, through Jesus. But because we simply enjoy the communion we share with Daddy and Jesus, we would not be overwhelmed by the blessings that come along but we would "throw" it back to Jesus; use it to glorify Jesus, let Him be glorified in our midst. haha.
haha. And Jesus would be able to bless you with greater things because He knows your heart wouldn't be captivated by what is passing and fading. But your eyes and enjoyment are on Him, in Him, with Him. haha. So cool right. Jesus, You're the coolest dude. *sing song & dance* haha.
Set your eyes on the Bless'er and Him alone. Jesus is all you need. Jesus is all I need. :D
Yes Jesus. Selah. :D
Wow. Praise Jesus! After I posted this post, I logged on to my multiply and saw that my CGL had a new post. I read it and it's amazing!! It's about giving what we have into His hands. Like a continuation. God is so good man! He has much more to say. Know His heart of love for you. haha.
Click here to read. hehe.
haha. Psalms~ :D
haha. This is my 100th post on my blogger!! hehe. haha. Okay. Here to share. haha.
Was just flipping through the bible. Then saw Psalm 130. Beautiful Psalm. :D
Psalm 1301
Out of the depths I have cried to You, O LORD;2
Lord, hear my voice!Let Your ears be attentiveTo the voice of my supplications.3
If You, LORD, should mark iniquities,O Lord, who could stand?4
But there is forgiveness with You,That You may be feared.5
I wait for the LORD, my soul waits,And in His word I do hope.6
My soul waits for the LordMore than those who watch for the morning-- Yes, more than those who watch for the morning.7
O Israel, hope in the LORD;For with the LORD there is mercy,And with Him is abundant redemption.8
And He shall redeem IsraelFrom all his iniquities.Wow. So beautiful loh. Like what Christ in bro Zheng Jye shared, belief = Jesus and His word/promises. Hope in His Word. Rejoice in the Lord. :D hehe.
Don't rejoice only when you see the circumstances change, when you see the light shine forth in your situation. Start rejoicing because Jesus' work is finished. Because God's word says the path of the just shines brighter and brighter unto the perfect day. :D
Psalm 146 also very beautiful! hehe.
Psalm 146The Happiness of Those Whose Help Is the LORD
Praise the LORD!Praise the LORD, O my soul!2
While I live I will praise the LORD;I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.3
Do not put your trust in princes,Nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help.4
His spirit departs, he returns to his earth;In that very day his plans perish.5
Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help,Whose hope is in the LORD his God,6
Who made heaven and earth,The sea, and all that is in them;Who keeps truth forever,7
Who executes justice for the oppressed,Who gives food to the hungry.The LORD gives freedom to the prisoners.8
The LORD opens the eyes of the blind;The LORD raises those who are bowed down;The LORD loves the righteous.9
The LORD watches over the strangers;He relieves the fatherless and widow;But the way of the wicked He turns upside down.10
The LORD shall reign forever-- Your God, O Zion, to all generations.Praise the LORD!haha. Yea yea. Love it when people share with me and Jesus show it to me in the bible. haha. Don't trust your flesh. hehe. Hope in the Lord. Confidently expect from the Lord your God. :D hehe. All we need to do is to sing praises to Him, all day long.
*Sing song*
Praise Him, praise Him, praise Him in the morning, praise Him in the noon time. Praise Him, praise Him, praise Him when the sun goes down~ hehe.
haha. Pastor shared before why bible record it as God of Jacob and not other men of God like David, etc. Think it's something like because Jacob's life is really undeserving. hehe. Anyone know? Can tell me? Thank you. :D
Jesus, thank You for multiplying my time and lengthening my days. hehe. Love You. :D
Continue to enjoy Jesus. :D
Jesus loves and Jesus saves. :D
With Jesus.
Hmm.. Haven't been sharing for some time. Sharing as in to just really get soaked up with Jesus and talk bout His beauty and love! hehe. And YEAP!! I wanna SHARE!! haha. Oh man! I love to talk about Jesus. Let that living water within flow flow flow~
Jesus, put people around me that would just be so addicted to You and just love talking about You and Your Word. Thank You Jesus. Jesus, thank You that You kabad me. Jesus, help me to die to self each day. :D Wanna be a Jesus-addict all the days of my life.
We all have a ministry. One that all of us have and enjoy. And that's to behold Jesus and let His Spirit transform us.
2 Corinthians 3:18-4:118
But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.1
Therefore, since we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we do not lose heart.To just sit down and enjoy Him. Though the waves may be roaring, though the boat seems to be shaking, be still and know that Jesus is God.
Yes Lord, despite my feelings, despite my circumstances, I know and I believe You never leave me nor forsake me. I BELIEVE that You've loved me with an everlasting love. Because the grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever.
Yes Jesus, I know You love me, heart me and You take care of me. I am too small to guard everything. I am too weak to hold on to everything. But I thank You that Your love upholds my world and I rest in Your embrace.
Yes Jesus, at the cross Your loved ones and friends were put far away from You so that today I can enjoy my loved ones and friends.
Jesus, I thank You for lovely relationships I share with my family. I thank You for a harmonious family. I thank You for a family that has You as the King of the house. Jesus, I thank You that You are the Captain of my life. :D
haha. Jesus, I thank You that the calling You've placed in my life is coming to pass already. I thank You that You're doing great and mighty things in my life. :D
Oh Jesus, I thank You that this weak flesh is too weak; too weak to bring to pass what You have for me in life. haha. No more self because Jesus is in. Since Jesus is here, why not just rest and let Him take over? WOOHOO~ haha.
Jesus, let my life be for Your glory. Let all that I do be unto the glory of Jesus. Even in my mistakes, let Jesus be glorify. haha! Jesus, thank You that You've placed such a great call in my life. So great that the hell is trembling, devil is crying. haha. So great that the nations are cheering. haha.
Yes Jesus, I thank You for HOLY SPIRIT. My Holy Friend. The Friend that is different from my other friends. The Friend that is closer to me than a brother/sister. Jesus, baby rest in Your embrace. Baby rest in Your love. Baby rest and depend on YOU. haha.
Pastor Chin shared on Saturday that we should not depend even on the measure of wisdom Jesus has given to us but to depend on Jesus Himself. Depend on the Person of Jesus. Jesus is made unto us wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption.
Jesus is my Wisdom, not the amount of bible knowledge I have.
Jesus is my Righteousness, not the number of hours I pray in tongues.
Jesus is my sanctification, not the number of times I go church every week.
Jesus is my redemption, not the amount of hours or strength I put into serving Jesus. haha.
haha. I don't really know what's the link of why I said all those things but what I'm saying is that, Jesus is my everything. It's all about Jesus.
haha. That day I was just reading the bible and I saw something.
Psalm 68:12-13 (NKJV)12
"Kings of armies flee, they flee, and she who remains at home divides the spoil.13
Though you lie down among the sheepfolds, you will be like the wings of a dove covered with silver, and her feathers with yellow gold."Psalm 68:13 (Amplified Bible)Though you [the slackers] may lie among the sheepfolds [in slothful ease, yet for Israel] the wings of a dove are covered with silver, its pinions excessively green with gold [are trophies taken from the enemy].haha. What I saw was, as you remain in the presence of God, as you just lie down with the Shepherd and enjoy His presence, victory by Jesus' blood would be enforced, the glory of Jesus would adorn you. :D
haha. On Sunday pastor preached about the secret of Caleb. What I received is the different spirit that Caleb had. A spirit that sees things differently and dare to be different. A spirit that sees problems and giants as bread. A spirit that sees what God says and not what the natural eyes see. And yes Lord! I thank You for such a spirit in me. Thank You Jesus. :D
haha. I realised I ended up talking to Jesus instead. hehe. I had FUN though. Much more fun than anything. hehe.
Oh ya. Suddenly thought of something.
Proverbs 12:27The lazy man does not roast what he took in hunting, but dilligence is man's precious possession.That day I was reading this verse and I thought of why talk about roasting? Hmm... Then what I received is to filter everything we read in the bible through the cross of Jesus (at the cross Jesus was roasted by God's wrath). haha.
haha. Yes Lord. I shall not be ashame of the gospel of Christ. I shall not be ashamed to be a Jesus-addict. :D I'm not gonna hold back now~ hehe. *sing song* lols.
Daniel 6:3 (Amplified)Then this Daniel was distinguished above the presidents and the satraps because an excellent spirit was in him, and the king thought to set him over the whole realm.It's the spirit that matters. Changes are from inside out. Ask God for a spirit of excellence and you would see Him work through you. :D
Oh ya. That day as I was talking to a princess, Jesus said something to us. We were talking about works and grace. I've never seen it this way-- because when we talk about works and grace, I would tend to think of what we do or do not.
But that day Jesus said, it's not really about what you do, but where you place your trust in. Do you place your trust in what you do or in the finished work of Christ, in the love of God for you? You would know because when you are fighting
for victory (self-effort), it becomes burdensome. But when you are fighting
from victory (finished work), it is enjoyment and fun. :D
Had a revelation that day. A very simple revelation. haha.

Confidence is when you believe the heart Jesus has for you; the heart of love. Believe in His love for you. :D
Lets let the romance begin, let the love flow~ haha.
Jesus loves me & He is mighty to save. :D
haha. Here to share! hehe. Supernatural joy. hehe. Lets tap into the supernatural. Start living the high life that Jesus died to give you!! hehe.
Wanna share what I read in the daily devotional by Joel Osteen. hehe.
I'm gonna extract again! lols. Gonna extract what attracted me from Page 190-192 of the book. hehe.
When we go through some sort of loss or disappointment, God doesn't expect us to be emotionless. It's okay to go through a time of grieving. But don't allow yourself to live there. Don't let that season of mourning turn into a lifestyle of mourning, living a sour and negative life...
God still has a bright future for you. He wants to take those negative experiences and use them to your advantage, if you'll dare to do your part and rise up out of those ashes.
haha. So cool lah. I feel God is doing great and mighty things for me, in my life. I feel someone would get sponsored for HM6 camp. Not sure who would get sponsored, not sure who would be the sponsor. But I feel that someone would come along my way and want to sponsor for the camp. Who wanna get sponsored? haha.
Actually what I wanna share today is not to let your emotions rule you. You can rule over your emotions. Don't let your emotions set you; you set your emotions. haha. Nothing is too big nor strong for you to overcome. Jesus, the King of kings, the Lord of lords is in YOU! hehe.
Someone tell me about worship! haha.
I feel Daddy is telling me something bout worship. The beauty of worship. haha. If you realise, worship leaders (as far as I know/see) are always young looking. haha. They enjoy renewal of youth because they are the ones who always draw near to God. haha. *You get to draw near to God also yea. He's your Lover and Healer. Don't let someone else kiss your Lover for you yea.* haha.
Pastor said before worship is like coming to kiss Jesus. When you worship Him, you are actually kiss Him, mouth to mouth! How cool is that? haha. You get to kiss the COOLEST dude around k. haha.
Daddy, thank You for wisdom. Thank You for exceedingly great understanding. Daddy, thank You for largeness of heart like the sand on the seashore. :D
Thank You for enjoyment. Thank You for contentment. Really thank You for Jesus. He who knew no sin was made sin for me that I might become the righteousness of God in Him [Christ]. hehe.
This week, I realised that Jesus really know what we need best and He died to give us that. haha.
Personally, I feel the peace of heart and mind is really what we need. The peace that comes by knowing the truth that God is on our side and He does not condemn us nor would He leave us, is just so precious.
You would not have the courage to ask God for anything if you don't know that your salvation is eternal. You would not have the courage to draw near to God unless you know and believe that all your sins are already punished and purged by Jesus' one sacrifice at the cross.
Hebrews 10:11-14
Christ's Death Perfects the Sanctified
11 And every priest stands ministering daily and offering repeatedly the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins.
12 But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God,
13 from that time waiting till His enemies are made His footstool.
14 For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified.
If you're a christian, not only are you sanctified (set apart to Jesus) but you are also perfected! Not by your works but by Jesus' sacrifice.
Hebrews 1:3
who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high,
Jesus sat down because He had by Himself purged our sins! As much as Jesus is the Son of God, He was raised and sat down not because He is the Son of God but because His work is finished!
1 Corinthians 15:17,20
17 And if Christ is not risen, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins!
20 But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.
Romans 4:24-25
24 but also for us. It [Righteousness] shall be imputed to us who believe in Him who raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead,
25 who was delivered up because of our offenses, and was raised because of our justification.
haha. Happy Happy. hehe. Praises to Jesus. All glory to Him and Him alone.
Jesus loves me MOSTest! haha.
Jesus my King
haha. I can't use enough words to describe what an awesome night I had. What an awesome praise & worship session I enjoyed. To just jump, to scream, shout and sing your lungs out for Jesus; to the King of kings, the Lord of lords. haha.
haha. It is just so awesome to just come into Daddy's presence to just worship Him. To just love Him and enjoy His awesome love for me. haha. Jesus is just so AWESOME. haha. I think this is the don't know how many times I used the word "awesome" but yeap. That's the word I'll use. haha.
Wow. Pastor released the word of a new portion of favor into my life. So cool. Daddy, I receive it in Jesus' name. Amen. hehe.
haha. We're all made for greater things than what we're doing now. I'm made for greater things than what I'm doing now. hehe.
Daddy, I thank You that You give me friends, sisters and brothers to enjoy. Thank You Lord. I believe in Your love for me. :D
Now I rest, in Your arms of Love. Hugs.Jesus, I thank You for enjoyment. I thank You for love. I thank You that You made all things easy and enjoyable for me. Precious. Love You.Lets start to personalise the Love that Daddy has for us. So much so that He gave His precious Son for us. haha. Lets magnify God, lets magnify Love. haha.
Jesus, thank You for an awesome time of sharing by Pauline. :D
When we magnify Jesus, magnify Love (because God is Love 1 John 4:8), all our problems just become strangely dim.
As pauline was sharing, I just got reminded of something that Jesus revealed to me before.
You know when you magnify the picture of a person, there might be a small blemish that you would notice in the picture of the person's face. And the bigger the picture is being magnified, the bigger the blemish becomes.
But Jesus is different. The bigger you magnify Him in your consciousness, the more you would see His beauty and glory. hehe.
Lets just be real with our DaddyGod and run to Him when you have trouble. He wouldn't turn you away because Jesus' blood has brought you near, forever. :D
Rest rest. Jesus loves me.