Sunday, October 22, 2006

Enjoy this communion, He says.

haha. Here to share! hehe. Daddy is so good! hehe.

Wanna share something that a brother said during care group. Very beautiful. Jesus is so good. He just showed me Himself in the illustration. haha. So good. hehe. All by Your grace. hehe.

That brother shared that he loves fishing and he just enjoy the process of fishing. So much so that even if a fish get on the bait, he would take it and throw it back into the sea because it is the process that he enjoys. Not exactly the fish. haha.

So beautiful! haha.

DaddyGod showed me that it's just like the communion we share with Him. haha. Jesus is like the fishing rod. Fish is the blessings and the sea/water is Daddy! hehe.

We have communion (connection. haha!) with Daddy because of Jesus, through Jesus. Blessings would come to us because of Jesus, through Jesus. But because we simply enjoy the communion we share with Daddy and Jesus, we would not be overwhelmed by the blessings that come along but we would "throw" it back to Jesus; use it to glorify Jesus, let Him be glorified in our midst. haha.

haha. And Jesus would be able to bless you with greater things because He knows your heart wouldn't be captivated by what is passing and fading. But your eyes and enjoyment are on Him, in Him, with Him. haha. So cool right. Jesus, You're the coolest dude. *sing song & dance* haha.

Set your eyes on the Bless'er and Him alone. Jesus is all you need. Jesus is all I need. :D

Yes Jesus. Selah. :D

Wow. Praise Jesus! After I posted this post, I logged on to my multiply and saw that my CGL had a new post. I read it and it's amazing!! It's about giving what we have into His hands. Like a continuation. God is so good man! He has much more to say. Know His heart of love for you. haha. Click here to read. hehe.