Thursday, December 27, 2007

Random Post but still, I'm loved :)

Oh my! I wanna share! I had so much fun yesterday! haha.

I was just calling newcomers in the cg and I had so much fun talking to one of them! You know, Daddy really renewed my mind. Not sure about you but sometimes I'll tend to think when I call them = listen to them and encourage them. But this time round, it's totally the opposite can. I met someone who walks her walk with God and awesome! haha. So much fun.

Now I have a secret pal! haha. We said that we will not make plans to meet till like one day somehow DaddyGod make our paths cross, literally. hehe. SO fun can! haha.

I really love the fellowship I had with her. Things that she said really brought me back to basic. I love the soundness I hear when she share. I super love this one part when she shared, "when you are at the lowest, what will pull you up wouldn't be the experiences you had with God. but the Word of God." Yes, DaddyGod would always grace our lives with experiences with Him and HE is real but our hope cannot be based upon experiences because HIS Word is truth. :)

Jesus is THE way. He isn't a method; He is THE method.

So cool can. Just wanna meditate on Jesus being with me. Jesus gracing me with HIS WORD. :) I've been so loved. :D


Oh my. I only managed to blog the above when I was in office. haha. Feeling kinda tired but decided that I shan't hold my post no more! haha. Because before long it'll be new year. keke.

:) Daddy, add days to my life and life to my days. :)

haha. I've been wanting to blog about my past 1 year. How it has been a really awesome journey I took. Jesus, this year was really a year of new beginnings for me. Began to learn that without Jesus I'm really nothing. :) I am so looking forward to camps!! Because I remember when HM6ix ended, we thought all the hypes have come to an end but I heard someone share, "just when you thought HM has ended; it has actually just started.".

Super loved can. :)

This year I bumped into failures.
This year I realised that God is really ALIVE and interesting in the things of my life.
This year I saw that Daddy is in control, always. hehe.
This year I let go of my dreams; only to be reminded of it again by Daddy Himself.

Today was really cool. haha. Because I bought gifts for 2 of my colleagues. Being not very prepared, I went into office and just tell Daddy, "make sure they don't come in till I put the gift on their tables k.". It's just like a causal remark but Daddy took it and make it happen can. They really never come in till I placed the gift on both their tables. And when I return back to my seat and was sitted comfortably, both of them walked in at the same time! haha.

Jesus, let my confidence rest in You and what Your Word says.
You are awesome in this place. :)

haha. Random Post but still, I'm loved. :)

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Family - He's interested

:) Hello precious ones~ :)

Been wanting to share but haven't really sat down to do that so here I am today, feeling so woo-ed by my Jesus. No, my actions are not perfect yet but the presence of the Lord is so amazing. I've been feeling so woo-ed these few days when I reach home and now that I'm sitting on the chair in my room, I feel His Presence all over again. :)

There's many things on my heart that I wanna share. So I shall just go with the flow. :)

Daddy God, thank You for Favor and Wisdom. So much I have to learn but so much of Grace as well. Today I was thinking of some magazine stuff and how Daddy wants our lives to be wholesome. We are well groomed and well fed not just spiritually but physically as well. I have been so well fed in this house of God that many a times the change in my physical life is spontaneous.

Like how Daddy God is so interested in my family life. Week in, week out hearing this awesome man of God preaching, I feel so blessed. It's amazing how Daddy God just turn my heart and show me His priorities. I remember I asked Daddy to show my His priorities in my life. And not long after, someone not knowing what I ask Daddy, talked to me about it.

Kinda brushed it off till like 2 weeks ago? The week that Rev. Col preached. Not once, not twice but three times I was reminded of His priorities. haha. Amazing yea. haha. Don't know if you agree but these are the priorities He showed me:-

1. DaddyGod, Jesus
2. Family
3. Work/School
4. Ministry

It's always Himself first and then family. I used to think that ministry comes first only to realise that actually after creating the man - Adam, He created a woman - Eve for him.

I remember pastor shared before how it's always inside out. And when your family is blessed, it would affect every other areas as well. Yes of course DaddyGod comes first. Spending time with Him is important but do follow the life within as well.

Love what pastor shared before that sometimes the most spiritual thing you can do is to get down and play with your kids.

For me, sometimes the most spiritual thing is to sit in front of the TV with my grandma or dad. haha. It's your presence they honor you see. Many times there's a limit to what you can give materially but things that can't be bought - like your time, your presence, your hugs are actually the most precious.

Things can't be bought are valuable. It humbles you doesn't it? To think that with all that you worked for and the effort you put in, with the money you earned, you can't buy the finished work nor righteousness of God.

I realised there's so much grace needed to be a mummy. Because some time back one of my bosses shared about bgr stuff that her young daughter is facing. And the first thing I said was, "but it's not her time yet what.". Then her response made me realised that Jesus - Wisdom Himself has to be involved in a mummy's life. Not sure of her exact words but in essence she say, "I'll pray about it... if I say yes, what are the guidelines and if I say no, why?". haha. To think that I, who was a teenager once and still is (haha!), thought that a simple No would brush it off. haha. Grace grace to be a mummy! haha.

So much to grow this season. So much grace. So much wisdom. So much discernment. His love overwhelms doesn't He? haha.

Thank You Jesus for such awesome growing times.
Thank You Daddy that though there's much to learn, You always remind me that the work is finished.

haha. So looking forward to camp! haha. I mean our own YWA one. haha. Immersed in the presence of Daddy! haha. So fun so fun! haha.

Holy Spirit, open my eyes to see Jesus is more than enough. haha.

When you make Daddy so big instead of your situation, you can see so much better.
When your situation is big in your sight, you would be manipulated by whatever that happens. But when Daddy is so big, Daddy would "manipulate" the situations for you. See Favor in action beloveds. YOU! The one whom Jesus died for! haha. Okay. Exclamation marks and caps just to catch your attention. hehe.

Have fun people. Life are meant to be enjoyed. Each day I'm seeing more and more, it's Jesus I need.

God wants to prosper your family. :)

With all Love,
Jesus' baby