God is good, ALL the time!
Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm here to BLOG!!!!! haha.God is good, ALL the time! haha. Daddy God is ALWAYS good! haha. My attachment is OVER! lols. Really thank Daddy God for all the favor He's given me and is still continuing to give me. haha. Jesus really loves me a lot! Even when I don't care bout Him, even when I feel like He's not there, He always is. haha.
I really see that talking to Jesus is fun. haha. You know, we're the coolest kid in town because we have Daddy God on our side! haha. I'm so excited!! haha. New things are coming my way. haha. Blessings are overtaking me! haha.
You know when you give your problems to Daddy, it just seems to dissolve even before it reaches Him. haha. It's really the communion with Jesus that is so precious. We are so privilged! Not because of what we do but because of what Jesus has done, we have this communion with Jesus! haha. Too blessed to be stressed. haha. It's really not about what you or I do but it's really Daddy's goodness that drew us to Him. :D
People, just come to Jesus as you are. He knows all about you, your past but He still loves you all the same; dying on the cross for you that you need never bear the shame or guilt or even the punishment because He was punished. :D
Yesterday I had this privilege to talk to this brother in Christ. He's just so precious. I really see Daddy having great things for him. This brother is really someone who is on fire for God, hungry for Daddy and His reality. So precious. haha. Thank God for using me. :D So blessed. haha.
Not sure if I'll talk about bible verses but I just wanna share my life. haha.
You know, it's just so precious to be able to be in right standing with Daddy. So blessed that even my mistakes will prosper. I might not having it altogether on the outside but Jesus is my qulification. Jesus is my righteousness, Jesus is my holiness, Jesus is my wisdom, Jesus is my everything. haha.
That day I talked to coach angie and she mentioned something about walking with Jesus. haha. I realised the person who is really blessed isn't someone who has a lot of money, not even someone who had read the bible from cover to cover. But it is someone who walk with Daddy and experienced His reality. haha. Daddy is so real and so good! That everytime when you call on Him, He's always there. haha. Even before your problem occurs, He already has a solution for you!
Isaiah 45:2-3
2 ' I will go before you
And make the crooked places[a] straight;
I will break in pieces the gates of bronze
And cut the bars of iron.
3 I will give you the treasures of darkness
And hidden riches of secret places,
That you may know that I, the LORD,
Who call you by your name,
Am the God of Israel.
This is Jesus talking to His anointed, Cyrus. haha. Wondered who Cyrus is? haha. I did. And I found out, he is the king of Persian; a man after God's own heart. haha. Praise Jesus. It's not about where you are, which family you are born in. If your heart is crying out for the real God, Daddy can reach you, use you! haha.
These same words in the verses apply for you and I today. That Jesus had gone on before you to make the crooked places straight, that He had received all the judgement that you and I deserved and gave us His riches. Crowning us with glory and honor. SO COOL! So UNDESERVED! haha.
Got more things to say! haha. But shall go with the flow. I'll be back! *grins* haha. It's a relationship with Jesus, not a religion. :D
Daddy's most loved.
Blessed be Papa's name. :D