Thursday, December 29, 2005

Song of Solomon

haha. Was reading Song of Solomon. haha. So beautiful and romantic! lols. SUPER romantic! lols. And these are the words from the One who nv lies. =D

I was checking out wad does Shulamite means and it's so beautiful. It typifies the church. haha. These are wad i found::

Shulamite = "the perfect" or "the peaceful"
Shulamite is the heroine lover of the Song of Songs (of Solomon).

And this word origins from Strong's number 7999. haha. It's kinda long. Jus click on it and check it out yea. Be so blessed by it! haha.

Fall in love again and again as Jesus washes u with His words. haha.

Blessings to all!!
Jesus loves!
I am my Beloved's. =D