His Love
Daddy's love is beyond measure, beyong comprehension. It's all undeserved. Thank You Lord!It's not ur and my goodness that attracted Jesus to come. It was our helplessness that He saw.
His heart, all full of love and compassion for us caused Him to put aside His glory for u and i. It's not bout wad u or i do/did but it's His goodness and mercy that brought us so far.
I'm amazed by how much Jesus loves mi. Each day as i discover more and more about it, i'm jus so amazed! haha.
His love is so much that He's always willing to go the extra mile jus to show mi how much He loves mi.
I've done nth to deserve all these but it's His goodness and mercy. Thank You Jesus. haha.
Did i sound kind of serious earlier on with so lil of my "hahas"? haha.
Oh ya. Jus now i was jus reading the bible. Only a few verses. keke. But i found out the meaning of this word - Ephraim. I saw this in John 11:54. haha. I went to look up wad does this word means and it jus caught mi! haha.
In Greek:: It means double fruitfulness!
In Hebrew:: There's a few explanation to it. But wad's written on the top is - Ephraim = "double ash-heap: I shall be doubly fruitful" -
And there's also a few explanation to it. And it's actualli the chief gate of Jerusalem. haha. Jerusalem = city of peace. haha.
Oh ya. I got these lexicons from http://www.searchgodsword.org/ It's quite a good webby yea. I onli use the lexicons. haha. Not sure bout the other stuff available there. haha.
Think Daddy wanna remind mi that this year is the year of double portion! And the year is not over yet! Praise God. haha. Daddy's gonna restore double for all the trouble i had. hehe. So blessed! Too blessed to be stressed. haha.
That's all for today! keke. Blessed day ppl!
Jesus is King! ((:
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