Friday, August 10, 2007

Some sharing - Victory in Your Thought Life, etc

:) Haven't really been sharing what I've received from Daddy in services, etc and think it's high time to share~ haha.

Not sure where to start. haha. Would share what caught me today when I read Destined to Reign by Pastor Prince. hehe. What caught me was on Page 247, 248 about Victory in Your Thought Life.

Side note: Those in italics are quotations from the book. :) Enjoy~

Pastor has preached about this before but reading it again really refreshes me. It talks about our thoughts being covered by the blood of Jesus that is continually cleansing every thought.

In Songs of Solomon 4:3, the Beloved, a picture of Jesus, said to the Shulamite woman, a picture of the church, "Your temples... are like a piece of pomegranate.".

Quoting from the book:

"The temples are a reference to the head... When you cut a pomegranate in half, you will find that it is filled with white seeds in a beautiful red liquid. When I was in Israel, I was told that the red liquid is very strong - if you get it on your shirt, the stain will be very difficult to remove."

haha. Reading till here, I was reminded of what ZJ shared in his blog the other time about Cleaning up blood; that blood is really difficult to clean up. Or in his own word, It's really hard to wash blood away. haha.

So cool. Daddy really made things around us for us to learn. :) In all His Wisdom, Daddy made man last, that all creation would show forth His wonders and Wisdom. hehe.

I'm so excited to talk can. After the praise & worship session on Wed, my heart has been boiling. Like things are just bursting forth, especially after dinner with CG yesterday. haha. Not sure what is it but surely it's good. :D

And what really caught me from this part of the book is 2 Paragraphs down that talks about 1 John 1:7 that the Greek tense for the word "cleanses" denotes a present and continuous action. In other words, Jesus' blood "keeps continually cleansing". This means that the blood never ceases to cleanse your thoughts. Even right now, your thoughts of guilt and condemnation are being washed away. Angry and lustful thoughts are being washed away. All manner of temptation is being washed away!"

haha. So cool can! I really love the part that says, "Even right now, your thoughts of guilt and condemnation are being washed away." haha.

Ever had struggles trying to overcome that thought/feeling of guilt and condemnation? I have! haha. Trying all I can to confess that I am the righteousness of God in Christ. And yes, it works. I know. It did for me. haha. But it's so powerful when I saw that Hey! Even this thought of guilt and condemnation are being washed away by the blood of Jesus. It doesn't break my fellowship with Daddy. I don't have to feel guilty for having that thought of guilt/condemnation, not being conscious of my righteousness in Christ! haha. My relationship with Daddy is still tight. :D

It's cool man. It's really the power of the Blood. Not just the blood of bulls and goats my friend. It's the blood of the Holy Son of God who Loved, came, died and rose again! Woohoo! He has the power to lay down His life and He has the power to take it again! (John 10:18)

haha. I did continue reading the book after this part but I really felt that this was my manna for today. That even my thoughts are continually being cleansed by the blood of Jesus. hehe. Thank You Lord. Your sacrifice made it all possible. :)

Daddy, continue to bless Pastor much more. :)

haha. I also love what Pastor Peter Youngren shared. What Daddy told him about someone's ministry. I forgot who. Is it T.L Osborn? haha. Pastor Peter was listening to this man of God's messages and what he heard was what he thought was such simple messages and he asked Daddy how come there's so much miracles in his ministry then? And Dad simply said, "he believes what he preaches."

Not sure if that's the exact words but that's what I caught. I love it man. Preaching what you believe and believing what you preach.

Right believing would always lead to right living.

Let it be the Good News of Jesus Christ & Him crucified that I preach because that's the Good News that saves and heals a broken hurting world. :)

Daddy Loves His baby girl. :)